Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Super Hero's and Their Lady Friends

This is an original blog prompt from my five year old son. It actually carries a lot of weight. I really had to think about it. Which Super Hero would make the best relationship material? Okay, that was paraphrased from the original five year old blog prompt Super Hero's Girlfriends and Which One is the Best Ever. But for the sake of actually making this into an attempt at something serious, I took liberties.

    So we have Batman. He is a hot mess. I would say the guy can't keep a girl, and he is somewhat selfish. Always sulking it seems. He would be a bummer to be around. Then there is Ironman, and lets face it ladies, Tony Stark is exactly the kind of playboy, bad boy we go running too. We must thrive of broken hearts. Spiderman. Adorable. He is fantastic, but even I can't continue to write about him without feeling like a cougar. Other than the age thing, I would expect Peter Parker to grown into fine marriage material someday. Thor, yeah, no. Arrogance is so unattractive. We are thinking with our hearts, not our bodies here ladies. Captain America would be top of this class of man meat. I am all about old fashion ways. I am probably the exact opposite of a feminist. I should have been a wife in the fifties. Captain is a safe place for a ladies heart, I my opinion.

    There are dozens more, I know. Does Jack from the 24 T.V. show count as a super hero? He should, just saying. My son has strong opinions. He wants to be just like Ironman, Lord help us. The poor little guy is surrounded by girls. Two sisters, and all their friends. Girls at all the neighbors, and all my friends have girls. Surely he will be raised to know how to deal with girls. He better make an excellent husband one day.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very cute blog. I too have a five year old son. His favorite super hero is probably Spiderman. But he loves Sonic the Hedgehog. I don't think Sonic or Knuckles would be great mate material. Josh runs through the house acting like Sonic, however my oldest is trying to influence him into the Dragonball Z era.
