Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I am finding these research databases both helpful and intimidating. Somehow, in my little world, I had no idea the scope of information out there. I am convinced you can find an article on absolutely everything. I assume this new information should make the process of finding a research question and a thesis statement easier, but my mind is a big puddle of mush now.
How did people research before the internet? I should be one of those people who had to, but it must have been such an unpleasant experience that I have totally blocked it out. Libraries were involved I am sure. I do remember having to make a presentation on Greece. Mostly used books for that, so I am sure there was a library involved. Poor Librarians. I bet there isn't quite the job market there once was.
So these endless databases are mind blowing in scope. I wonder if people submit to the databases, or do the databases constantly search out this information. Humor, is what I was searching, I typed humerus instead. Let say it was a typo and not my horrific spelling capabilities. The vast amount of essays, journals, reports, opinions, and other written and video information on this bone was insane. Is there really THAT much information pertaining to that one little bone? I decided my life would not be the same if I didn't find out. And YES! There is that much information. I was really expecting some repetitive cycle of facts, I was wrong. That bone and the people who write about it are intense. So, if that bone can be written about in such abundance, then about anything could. The world of research just began to get very big, and very intimidating. What if all original ideas have been used up? Seriously, what if there is nothing left to say that hasn't been said somewhere, at sometime. Maybe I should throw in towel.

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