ISFP, those are my letters. It says I am an introvert, sensing, feeling, and perceiving. I think it means I am no good at testing, any testing. Not only am I ISFP, but just barely. I squeaked into those categorizes at forty, fifty, and sixty percent. Now I feel wishy washy. Then I checked on my "career" recommendations, and was disappointed. I had somewhat hoped this test, this would be the one to answer the great question of my life. What should I be when I grow up? It didn't. I don't know the figuring that went into those recommendations, but it was a list of the top jobs I would never want to have. Not all of them, but most. Stay at home parent was on there. That's what I do, for now. But what comes next?
Introvert, huh. I guess I could see that. I don't like speaking up in front of people. My opinions are strong ones, but I keep those reserved for myself and those who have to love me no matter what, based on their moral code. So, I get introvert. Even here in my safe little blog, I want to write fearlessly, like a purge of my mind, but I won't. Then people could judge me, my thoughts. Maybe not my thoughts, maybe my ability to convey sarcasm and dark humor through a keyboard. I should have a disclaimer posted with the title, "Do Not Read if You Lack a Reasonable Sense of Humor".
I took the liberty to further research this ISFP. I am not alone. There are oodles of website to better explain these traits. It turns out, based on my interpretation of these other sources, that even though I got P for perceiving over judging, because of my F (feeling), its likely I judge and just keep it to myself. Maybe that why I look at people so often and say "Seriously?". I have judged their actions or words and are giving them the opportunity to rethink it.
Now, what kind of student does that make me? Feedback is always welcome. I want to do well, I want to write well, but I feel inadequate. My degree choice, for instance, its the one for me, right? I wish someone would tell me what to do. Make no mistake, I will finish what I start. I am not wishy washy, despite my middle ground percentages.
Could I have missed the point? The test is telling me about these attributes I have so I can use them to my advantage. Yes? No? Look, there I go again needing reinforcement. I wonder if indecisive is one of the traits of ISFP. Sensing may make me irrational.
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